DIY Fountain Maintenance for Algae

Relaxing from the gurgling water of your fountain can be the high point in the end of a stressful day. But it’s difficult to relax when you look at the fountain and see the green tinge of algae clouding the surface. Not only can algae stain the seams inside, in addition, it can clog the pump and keep your fountain from working correctly. The very best approach to maintain the fountain is to prevent algae from forming if possible, but you need to also have a plan to deal with it if it appears.
Wrap some barley straw in netting and weigh it down with a stone. Place it in the rear of your fountain under the water. Since the barley straw decomposes, it releases an enzyme which could help keep algae from growing. This approach is safe for flats which have fish living in the pond reservoir.
Insert algae inhibitors every 3 months or more frequently if you see algae beginning to develop. Check the labels carefully; these comprise algae-fighting enzymes and bacteria which can sometimes be damaging to fish. Pour it in while the pump is running to distribute the inhibitors throughout the system.
Color the fountain if possible. If it’s self-contained, move it into an area which has partial shade the majority of the day. You could also plant fast-growing plants close to the fountain which can cast a shadow, such as bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris). Otherwise, put a lattice beside the fountain and develop evergreen climbing vines such as clematis (Clematis spp.) . Algae thrive in sunlight, therefore limiting the sunlight helps decrease the odds of algae growing.
Scoop out existing algae using a small-mesh net, particularly when the algae looks stringy. This can be sucked into the pump and clog it, burning up the engine.
Scrub the fountain and scrub algae off the sides with a nylon brush and bleach or vinegar. Rinse it thoroughly and allow it to drain completely before bashing the fountain.
Treat algae-infested water using algaecide substances to kill existing algae which stays after scrubbing and thrush. Run the fountain to distribute it, but don’t use it if you’ve got fish.