When to Plant Red Baron Onion Sets

Onions are available in many unique varieties, such as white, red and yellow in addition to green onions and scallions. To have success growing onions in the house garden, then choose the right variety for your region. “Red Baron” onions are a dry, red variety that can be grown from seeds, sets or transplants and require the exact same care of other long-day onion varieties.


“Red Baron” onions have been long-day onions, meaning they require between 14 and 16 hours of daylight to form bulbs. Long-day onions require planting after the last average frost date for your area since the lights form since the days lengthen. When you plant “Red Baron” sets, then they ought to be 1 to 2 inches deep, 2 to 3 inches apart and 12 to 18 inches in between rows. Once seedlings grow, it is possible to thin them about 3 to 4 inches apart to allow for bulb development.


When growing “Red Baron” onions from seed, start them inside. You can sows seeds in flats or pots inside four to six weeks prior the average date of last frost in spring. The transplants need placed into the garden after the ground can be solved and spaced about 2 to 3 inches apart with 12 to 18 inches between rows. You can plant transplants marginally over the surrounding ground and allow them to settle into place.

Day Length

Since “Red Baron” onions are a long-day selection, they’ll form tops first and then when the days reach about 14 to 16 hours, coats begin to form. Because of this, long-day onions grow best in northern regions. “Red Baron” onions typically need 105 days to become ripe for harvest. All kinds of onions, such as “Red Baron,” need cool weather to form tops and warm weather to form bulbs. Long-day onions are frequently more pungent types of onions.


“Red Baron” onions are red, dry onions, so it is possible to harvest them when the tops have dried and the lights are about 3 to 5 inches in diameter. If you aren’t likely to braid the tops, make sure that you cut them away, leaving about 1 1/2 inches of the shirts. The onions bulbs need to air-dry outdoors for about a week before brought inside and stored in a cool, dry location.

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