How Often Should You Water Strawberry Plants?

Strawberries make an attractive addition to a yard and provide a delicious reward during fruit-bearing season. Watering strawberry plants requires proper timing so the dirt doesn’t become too dry or wet. Depending on whether you are watering new or established plants, your soil type, and whether you are growing in the ground or in containers, then your watering time will be different.
Strawberry Varieties
Strawberries are categorized into two main classes: short-day and day-neutral. It is very important to understand which kind of strawberry you are growing so that you are able to understand its water requirements. Short-day strawberries produce fruit most actively during the time of year when daylight length is shorter, from late fall until early spring. Day-neutral strawberries produce fruit year-round except when temperatures become excessively warm. The peak fruit-bearing season for day-neutral varieties is from April through October. The plants generally need more water when they’re fruiting.
Strawberry Roots
Strawberries have shallow root systems which can easily dry out during hot weather. One way to avoid the roots from drying out is to place mulch around plants. This helps moderate the soil temperature and keep moisture. The shallow roots make it simple to determine if your plants require water from feeling the moisture level just under the surface where the roots are growing.
Watering Strawberries
Strawberry plants need regular watering. Whenever your strawberry plants are growing and producing fruit, they’ll require an average of 1 to 2 liters of water weekly. New strawberry plants can be provided about 1 inch of water each week to set up growth. Although new plants may be watered overhead, it is best to water based plants with drip irrigation or a soaker hose. This avoids getting the fruit wet and helps prevent rot. Place the drip hose or tube at least 2 inches away from the strawberry plant. Through the non-peak growing season, then you need to be able to water twice each week to keep the soil moist. It is best to water earlier in the day rather than in the day so the plants are not sitting in water too long.
Caution While Watering
To decide whether your strawberry plants are getting enough water, then you can check the dirt with your finger. If the soil around the plants is moist to about 2 inches deep, the plants are getting enough water. However, you must be careful to not over-water. Soggy soil is a sign of over-saturation, which may cause fungal infections causing the roots to rot. When you’ve got clayey soil, you’ll have to be particularly careful to allow the dirt to dry longer between waterings. You are able to improve the drainage by amending the dirt. Soil in containers dries out more quickly than dirt in the ground. If you are expanding your strawberry plants in containers, then check the dirt more often to guarantee the proper moisture level.