The best way to Disconnect a Humidifier

Humidifiers are attached to to the heat supply duct on a cold-water supply line as well as a furnace. A round drum-pad, called an evaporator pad, situated in the humidifier sees the water in the supply line. The water enters and evaporates the furnace blower, where the water-vapor is held onto by the heat. It advances the the humidity in the air when the furnace blower sends the heat through the home. For cleansing, to make repairs or to substitute it using a new-model disconnect your furnace humidifier.

Turn the power to the furnace area off in the primary circuit breaker.

Remove the screws that hold the humidifier protect on the furnace.

Locate where the wires of the solenoid valve of the humidifier are attached to to the final screws of the furnace blower motor. Test the screws to make sure that the power was turned off. Place the one prospects of a neon tester on another lead as well as a wire terminal screw onto the green ground Redding screw. The energy is off, should it not illuminate.

Turn the final screws counterclockwise also loosen them. Unhook the wires in the terminal screws.

Close the valve, situated on the water-supply line which is connected to the humidifier.

Set a bucket below the drain plug of the humidifier. Remove the drain plug to drain any water in the humidifier.

Loosen the screw of the drain line clamp and pull the drain line from the humidifier.

Remove the screws that support the the by-pass collar– the spherical steel vent leading to the furnace blower motor.

Pull the humidifier from the furnace to complete disconnecting it.