Monthly Archives: February 2019

What's ideal for an NFT System: Lettuce or Tomatoes?

What's ideal for an NFT System: Lettuce or Tomatoes?

Versatile nutrient film process systems, or NFT systems, develop just about any kind of vegetable, including lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum). The system permits a thin film of hydroponic growing solution to flow steadily over the plant roots. […]

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How to Prune Cane-Like Begonias

How to Prune Cane-Like Begonias

Beguiling begonias (Begonia spp.) Are a large family of plants typically grouped by growth habit or look. Cane-like begonias have tough, bamboo-like stems and are prized for their strikingly patterned leaves, and lots of feature attractive and fragrant flowers as […]

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Layout Workshop a House Can Be Shaped by a Website

Layout Workshop a House Can Be Shaped by a Website

Good design is the result of powerful, easy concepts that give meaning to a home’s shape, form and materials. When you look to your site for inspiration, then these thoughts often appear very naturally. A site is composed of many […]

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Kitchen Thoughts for Bread Lovers

Kitchen Thoughts for Bread Lovers

I’m a carboholic. I really like carbohydrates of any type, but when I could have just one refined type, bread (included in a diet that includes copious amounts of veggies, fruits, proteins and healthful fats, naturally) would be just fine […]

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An elevation is one of the 3 principal kinds of architectural drawings, in which a three-dimensional layout is described in two dimensions. Others are section and plan. In each case the viewer’s line of sight is perpendicular to the plane […]

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6 Tips for Teaching Your Kids to Be Good Neighbors

6 Tips for Teaching Your Kids to Be Good Neighbors

The summer of 1968, my parents were in the market for their first residence. At a neighborhood they enjoyed, they found two houses, side by side, up for sale. They decided about the one around the corner once they toured […]

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Great Garden Combo: 6 Beautiful Plants to Get a Shady, Wet Site

Great Garden Combo: 6 Beautiful Plants to Get a Shady, Wet Site

Planting for shade can be hard enough; combine shade with soil that remains moist or moist year-round, and it is enough to make even an experienced gardener shudder. Yet there are some stunning perennials, shrubs and even trees which revel […]

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